Thank you for helping meet the physical needs of The Haven and our guests.


Please note, we do NOT accept most clothing items (other than underwear, undershirts), coats, bedding, conditioner, or shoes.

Needed items for the day shelter

  1. Underwear (new, men’s and women’s sizes M-XL)

  2. Towels

  3. Washcloths

  4. Deodorant

  5. Hand and body warmers

  6. Sleeping bags

  7. Tents

  8. Phone chargers (USB-C and iPhone)

  9. Toothpaste*

  10. Toothbrushes

  11. Hats, beanies

  12. Gloves

  13. Body lotion*

  14. T-shirts (new or in good condition, all adult sizes)

  15. Soap and body wash*

  16. Shampoo*

  17. Tissue packs

  18. Tampons and menstrual pads (regular to super absorbency)

  19. Grocery bags

  20. Backpacks

  21. Belts

  22. Disposable razors

  23. Nail clippers

  24. Wet wipes (pocket/travel size)

  25. Masking tape

  26. Large and pocket-sized hand sanitizer

  27. Hair picks, bristle hair brushes

  28. Bandanas

  29. Socks

*= travel-sized preferred; bulk accepted

See The Haven’s Amazon wish list for easy ordering to the day shelter.

Because of storage concerns, we cannot accept most clothing donations. Please take clothes to the Belmont Clothing Center (operated by Belmont Baptist Church on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) or the Hinton Avenue Clothing Closet (operated by Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church on Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), where our guests can obtain clothing for free.

Needed Extras For Our Guests

  1. Headphones

  2. Portable phone chargers

  3. Natural/textured hair care products (for leave-in moisture)

  4. Gift cards (stores, movie theaters, fast food, etc.)

  5. Snacks (individually wrapped, such as crackers, bars, tuna, etc.)

How do I drop off these needed items?

  1. Plan to drop off during the hours we are open: Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 - 5:00 p.m., Saturday through Sunday from 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  2. Let us know to expect you! Call our front desk prior to dropping items off at 434-973-1234 ext. 100.

  3. Ring the doorbell at our side entrance (red door) on 1st Street for collection or bring items through the main shelter entrance off Market Street. Please do not drop items without speaking to a staff member first.

  4. You’ll be asked to complete an in-kind donation form for our records.


Contact us at